Submission Guidelines

  1. Please email all photos as attachments to
  2. Do include a nickname or pseudonym. If I do not get any indication of how you want to be addressed as a contributor, I shall use your initials or the most appropriate description available.
  3. All photos must be clear enough to identify the offending vehicle, including the number plate.
  4. Do include a short description the act.
  5. All photos must clearly depict idiotic parking. What is idiotic parking?
    • Any vehicle parking in a lot designated for something else (eg. cars/trucks parking on motorcyle lots, motorcycles parking on car lots, etc.);
    • Unauthorised parking on disability parking spaces;
    • Vertical parking on horizontal lots and vice versa;
    • Parking on more than one lot. over the boundary of a designated lot;
    • Inconsiderate parking, blocking other traffic or pedestrians, parking onto the roads; and
    • other such silly parking, not already mentioned.
  6. It does not necessarily mean illegal parking. We are not too concerned about purely illegal parking. However, where idiotic parking coincides with illegal parking, by all means, please submit your photos.
  7. If you have a video clip, please upload to a video hosting site like YouTube, and send me the link, with the various descriptions as required above.
  8. Photos will be published on a first come, first served basis. Due to various reasons, publishing of photos may not be immediately upon receipt of the submission. Please be patient and watch the blog for updates. I shall definitely inform you if your photo is published, or not (provided the return email address you give is valid).
  9. If you have any further queries, please email to me at, and I'll try my best to assist.